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For other iterations of this character or the vehicle, see Mr. Grimm (disambiguation).

"They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life... I think my mind bent so much it snapped in two."
—Mr. Grimm, Twisted Metal: Black

Mr. Grimm is a recurring character in the Twisted Metal series. While his character varies between entries, both himself and his vehicle are frequently associated with Death

Twisted Metal (1995)

"A collector of sorts. Tonight, he will claim the one item that has eluded him for years..."
—Twisted Metal - ???'s Bio

The driver of Mr. Grimm, his identity in this game is unknown.



Twisted Metal (1995) - Mr. Grimm Ending

Twisted Metal 2

"A ravenous creature of the night, Mr. Grimm exists only to feed off the souls of the unwary. Intent on causing the end of the world, Mr. Grimm is helping Armageddon along by joining the tournament."
—Twisted Metal 2 - Instruction Manual

The driver of Mr. Grimm, now revealed to be the reaper of souls.

Bio Dialogue

  • "You live off food. I live off souls. Souls like yours to be exact. When I win this contest, you and everyone else are gonna be my seven course meal. You see, when I win, I'm taking destruction and doom to a whole new level."



TM2 ending Mr. Grimm-2


Mr Grimm Ending (JPN) - Twisted Metal EX

Twisted Metal III

"Mr. Grimm is the Grim Reaper, a.k.a. Death, a.k.a. That Dude with a 'Tude who can ruin your weekend."
—Twisted Metal III - Instruction Manual

Mr. Grimm is back, with a completely new design. Instead of a skeleton biker, he now looks more like a homeless zombie.

Bio Dialogue

  • "My hunger for souls is now insatiable. I've had my fill of mortals. Now I want to feast on the darkest, most powerful soul imaginable. I will become all-powerful. There will be no escaping my wrath. Let the world beware!"

Info and Ending
Mr. Grimm wins the contest. Calypso discovers his own soul being Mr. Grimm's target, and, poking fun at the fact "sole" and "soul" are homophones, ends him with a stomp,


Twisted Metal 3 - Mr. Grimm's Ending

Twisted Metal 4

"Judging from Captain Grimm's facial complexion, the only thing that's alive about him is the parrot on his shoulder. This is what Death looks like dressed up for the holidays. He gave up trying to gather a crew for a new pirate ship when every sailor he interviewed dropped dead. So Grimm came up with the idea of a pirate hot rod. "I was in a rut with work and just doing one dead end assignment after another," says Grimm."
—Twisted Metal 4 - Instruction Manual

Mr. Grimm returns, now dressed as a pirate and calling himself "Captain Grimm".

Bio Dialogue

  • "*Squawk!* Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! The clown's soul will dangle from the captain's hook! *Squawk!*"



Twisted Metal 4 - Captain Grimm Ending-2

Twisted Metal: Black

"Mr. Grimm and his best friend, Benny, were drafted into the war when they were only 18 years old. Neither one was prepared for the terror of the Vietnamese jungles. Their army was outnumbered, outclassed and unprepared. Platoon after platoon fought the enemy bravely, but quickly fell. The horrors of each battle tortured the survivors. The screams from nightmares could be heard in the trenches each night.
Mr. Grimm and Benny saw their comrades fall ten at a time... they knew that their time would come too. They swore to always watch each others back...
—Twisted Metal: Black - Instruction Manual

Mr. Grimm's incarnation in Twisted Metal: Black. For the first time ever, he's a human instead of the grim reaper.


TMB MG Young

In 1971, 21-year-old Mr. Grimm and his best friend Benny fought in the Vietnam war. During one night-time battle, Benny was shot and gravely wounded. Grimm attempted to treat him, but a Vietnamese soldier gets the drop on him, knocks him out, and captures the two. Grimm and Benny were placed in a 25-feet deep hole. For several days, Benny remained wounded with Grimm constantly asking for help that wouldn't come. One day, a military adviser to the Vietnamese came to see them, who was notorious for his own way of torture: starvation. He threw down a knife, telling Grimm if he wanted food he had to make due with what he can find in the hole, implying that Grimm should kill Benny for food. Grimm knew what he wanted him to do, but he couldn't let him have the satisfaction. Nevertheless, Benny succumbed to his injuries two days later and died. Grimm, though hesitant, was forced to cannibalize his corpse, believing "Benny would've understood." Grimm then sewed Benny's skull into a helmet, which he has been wearing since. Two weeks later, a U.S. platoon of G.Is came to free Grimm, but when they tried to remove the helmet, Grimm killed four of the soldiers before he was brought down. He then was shipped back to the states and placed in Blackfield Asylum, where he has been stuck for 30 years, suffering from nightmares from that horrific event, waiting for the day he would get revenge. One day, a visitor named Calypso came to invite him to his contest, promising if Grimm won, he could get revenge on the man who destroyed his sanity. Grimm couldn't refuse this offer, he enters the contest.

Loading Screen Dialogue

  1. When I win this contest, I'll have my revenge. What he did to me, to my friend, ripped my mind apart...
  2. My killing instinct; it's coming back to me now...just like in the war. I'd forgotten how good I am at this...
  3. I have to stay focused on the fight. But every dead body I see brings back the cravings...have I gone insane?
  4. Minion won last year's contest. But I'm not afraid. If I can just find a way past his force field, I can beat him.
  5. God, Benny...I'm so sorry. I shoulda never done what I did. I wish I had died too..
  6. This arena is like the jungle, close quarters. You move in and out quick before the enemy knows what hit 'em.
  7. Will the man who destroyed my mind even recognize me after all this time? I hope he does. I hope he's terrified.
  8. I'm too close. I won't give up. Once I kill this bastard, nothing will stand in my way...

Mr. Grimm won the contest and saw Calypso to claim his prize. A man of his word, Calypso said that it's time for a reunion. Grimm is presented a room where, bound and gagged to a chair, was the adviser, who Grimm claims that "after all these years... looked exactly the same." He didn't recognize Grimm, but Grimm recognized him, seeing him in his nightmares for 30 years. Calypso has one more prize for Grimm, an axe, intended for "dinner for one". After Grimm kills the adviser, he remarks that over the years Grimm has grown tired of solitary food, and has developed a new craving... for human flesh.


Mr. Grimm - Twisted Metal Black

Twisted Metal: Small Brawl

"An overzealous youngster who is obsessed with Halloween! If he wins the contest, he wants Calypso to show him the portal to a mystical place where it is Halloween every day of the year."
—Twisted Metal: Small Brawl - Mr. Grimm's Bio

Mr. Grimm is back in Twisted Metal: Small Brawl, now as a kid dressed in a halloween costume.



Mr. Grimm - Twisted Metal- Small Brawl-2

Twisted Metal: Head-On

"Mr. Grimm is, in fact, the Grim Reaper himself. At some point during his centuries of work, he attempted to devour a soul instead of taking it to its next destination. He then became hooked, so he needed to devour more and more souls. He soon found himself absorbing more souls than he was delivering. This craving drove Mr. Grimm to the point of insanity. Now, realizing he can't take it anymore, Mr. Grimm enters Twisted Metal hoping that Calypso can give someone else the job of being the Grim Reaper."
—Twisted Metal: Head-On - Mr. Grimm's Bio

Mr. Grimm decides to enter the tournament as a chance for someone else to be the Grim Reaper. It is revealed he was 26 years old when he died.



Twisted Metal- Head-On - Mr. Grimm's Ending

Twisted Metal: Lost

"Grimm's taste for human flesh has not abated. Grimm's sanity has not returned. He now spends his nights racing through the streets of Midtown, searching for his next meal while speaking to the rotting skull of his dead friend that he wears as a helmet. In recent years he has begun to think he may actually be the Grim Reaper."
—Twisted Metal: Lost - Mr. Grimm's Bio

Mr. Grimm's appearance in Twisted Metal: Lost.

Twisted Metal (2012)

Mr. Grimm appears in Twisted Metal (2012) as the leader of his own faction, The Skulls. He is still associated with the motorcycle of the game, although it is named Reaper instead of sharing his name. He is also one of the three playable characters in Story Mode, along with Needles Kane and Dollface.

Unlike most games, this iteration of Mr. Grimm is named Daniel Grimm, whose stuntman father lost his life during a performance. He blames his father's death for the bad life he grew into; thus, he hopes to win the competition in order to prevent his father's death from happening.

Mr. Grimm's main opponents are The Dolls, led by Dollface in her own quest to win the competition. Their ultimate weapon, Iron Maiden, attacks him in the final battle, but Mr. Grimm emerges victorious, sending Dollface plummeting to her death in the process.

Crashing through the window of Calypso's office, Mr. Grimm demands to be sent back in time so he can save his father. A moment later, he finds himself back in his father's truck, where his father and past self are traveling to the fatal event; unfortunately, his father assumes that he has ill intentions and attacks. The struggle causes the truck to get into an accident with two other vehicles, seemingly killing his father. Thrown from the seat, Mr. Grimm looks up to see his past self with the handgun their father kept under the seat for emergencies. Admitting that he would do the same thing in this situation, Mr. Grimm urges his past self to “BRING IT!” and is shot dead, implicitly setting the younger Grimm on his path of darkness.

Somehow, the license plate from Grimm's father's truck found its way into Calypso's hands, becoming one of the many items on display in his trophy case.



Twisted Metal Mr. Grimm Cutscenes Part 0 - Opening Cutscenes


Twisted Metal Mr. Grimm Cutscenes Part 4-2


Mr. Grimm's ending - Twisted Metal (2012)-2

Twisted Metal TV Series

Main article: Mr. Grimm (TV Series)

Mr. Grimm appears as a cameo in Season 1 of the TV series by Peacock, as one of the candidates for the tournament that is being set up by Calypso in Episode 10: SHNGRLA. He is set to be fully introduced during the second season.[2]



  • Mr. Grimm is one of three characters to be in every Twisted Metal game (the others being Needles Kane and Calypso).
  • Mr. Grimm's character was based on The Grim Reaper, and possibly Ghost Rider, a Marvel Comics anti-hero.
  • There are three games which depict Mr. Grimm as a human: Twisted Metal: Black, Twisted Metal: Small Brawl and Twisted Metal(2012).

Twisted Metal (1995)

  • In this game, Mr. Grimm only was the name of the vehicle itself, with the driver name's being only referred to as "???".

Twisted Metal III

  • Mr. Grimm's wish is the same as his wish in the first installment. This makes him the only character in the series to wish for the same thing twice, albeit not in consecutive games.
  • Four copies of Mr. Grimm's Twisted Metal III info screen can be found in Twisted Metal 4's files under the names "CRUSHER.TIM[0]," "MOON.TIM[0]," "RCCAR.TIM[0]," and "SLAM.TIM[0]."
  • Mr. Grimm's art has a very peculiar face, and it seems to have been traced from the design of Skeletor featured in a poster of the 1987 film "Masters of the Universe".[3]
  • In an early preview for Twisted Metal III, Mr. Grimm's name can be seen as "Grimm".[4]

Twisted Metal 4

  • Captain Grimm's early placeholder name as seen in a video from PlayStation Museum was simply Pirate.[5]

Twisted Metal: Black

  • His overall design was different compared to what was shown in the cutscenes.
  • Twisted Metal: Black was the first game in the series where Mr. Grimm was a living human.
  • A producer of 3D and Flash animation created a series of six original Flash "Webisodes" to promote the release of TM:B. One of them was of Mr. Grimm.
  • It is interesting to notice that, because Mr. Grimm has a backstory heavily related to the military, he's more suited to be the driver of Warthog instead of the Mr. Grimm motorcycle. Oddly enough, the Warthog of this game doesn't have a war related backstory, but rather of death, the central theme of the Grim Reaper.
  • It is unknown what military rank Mr. Grimm was in Vietnam. Though he was most likely a Private as he was 18 at the time.
  • When Mr. Grimm says his mind must be split in two and puts on the helmet, the sound that plays is the same that was used for Mr. Grimm's special from Twisted Metal 2.

Twisted Metal: Small Brawl

  • In Twisted Metal: Small Brawl, the "portal" that Mr. Grimm enters resembles a porta-potty.
    • In addition, once Mr. Grimm screams as he finds the monsters, muffled crunching sounds can be heard as the lights of the portal turn off, implying that he met a gruesome demise.
    • HalloweenLand actually exists; it is a part of Holiday World, an amusement park in Santa Claus, Indiana. However, Calypso wouldn't have sent Mr. Grimm to Holiday World anyway either because he didn't know about its existence or because he wanted to twist Mr. Grimm's wishes.

Twisted Metal: Head-On

  • In an early version of the game when it was still known as Twisted Metal: Rage, the address of the characters was also shown in the driver's info. Mr. Grimm's is simply "Address unknown".

Twisted Metal (2012)

  • In Twisted Metal (2012), Dollface makes a joke about killing Mr. Grimm and wearing his skull as a helmet. This is an allusion to his character in Twisted Metal: Black.
  • The car that Mr. Grimm's father's truck crashes into appears to be Dollface's yellow convertible sports car. It is unknown if this is an intentional plot point or if it's just a random car model that the developers chose.
    • However, if it is indeed a plot point, then it would have made sense as to why Dollface is angry at Mr. Grimm and wanted to kill him.
  • Mr. Grimm should, in theory, be the most experienced of the drivers, due to his history as a stuntman.
  • Initial response to Mr. Grimm in Twisted Metal (2012) was highly negative, with many fans criticizing the new design as being uninteresting and "lame," and the furthest away from Grimm's original design.
  • His appearance might be somewhat of a reference to Voodoo, as practitioners will sometimes paint their faces to look like skulls.
  • Mr. Grimm's backstory shares similarities with the 2007 movie Ghost Rider, where the son of a famous stuntman, who died in the middle of a stunt, becomes a skull-headed motorcycle driver.


Twisted Metal (1995) (Lost Ending)

  • "Greetings, Calypso!"
  • "I am the winner, and you are my prize! I want your soul!"
  • "There will be no deal this time!"

Twisted Metal 2

  • "I'm here for my prize, Calypso!"
  • "I need souls, you must know!"
  • "Please, Calypso! Accelerate the process! Do whatever it takes to make them die faster!!"
  • "Feed me, please! I need souls!"

Twisted Metal: Black

  • "In here, you lose track of time; hours melt into days; days melt into years; 30 years in my case."
  • "After so much time in solitary, I should‘ve been getting better."
  • "But in my heart, I always knew there was no cure for what happened to me, but I kept on hoping."
  • "I knew if I waited long enough, I'd get revenge against the man who destroyed my mind."
  • "But I could only wait so long. Every day, the visions got worse."
  • "Soon, I wouldn’t be able to tell reality from my nightmares."
  • "But then, my life changed."
  • "He calls himself Calypso. He said he ran a contest. Winner take all."
  • "In my case, first prize meant getting even with the man who stole my sanity."
  • "How could I refuse? I agreed to play."
  • "I hadn't thought about the war in years. All the drugs and the therapy in the world could never get me to talk about what I went through."
  • "But when I passed out, I couldn't escape it. The past came rushing back…"
  • "It was 1971 again, and I was back in ‘Nam."
  • "Ben had gone down. It was just me all alone, trying to revive him."
  • "I was shouting to Benny, trying to see if he was okay. But before I knew it, the enemy was on me."
  • "They put us in some stinking hole, 25 feet below the ground."
  • "Benny was in bad shape. I didn't know how long he was gonna hold out."
  • "Seems like forever I was screaming for someone to come and help him. Then one day, we had a visitor…"
  • "The guy was an advisor to the Vietnamese. And he had his own unique idea of torture: starvation."
  • "Benny was on his last legs, and I wasn't far behind."
  • "Five days without any food will bring any man to the edge, and the advisor said the only way I was going to survive was to eat."
  • "He gave me a knife and started laughing. He said if I wanted food, I'd have to make due with whatever I could find in the hole."
  • "I tried to block out what was happening. I knew what he wanted me to do, but there was no way I was gonna give him the satisfaction…"
  • "Benny died two days later. I couldn't look at him. I didn't even want to think about it."
  • "It's amazing the things you'll do to survive. I think Benny would've understood…"
  • "They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life... I think my mind bent so much it snapped in two."
  • "When a platoon of GIs freed me two weeks later, they tried to take the helmet off. I killed four of them before they took me down."
  • "After that, they shipped me back to the states and put me in the asylum."
  • "But now I have a chance to get even with the man who pushed me over the edge, and made Benny die."
  • "I had done it. The battle was over. I had won the contest."
  • "I went to see Calypso. Turns out he was a man of his word. He told me it was time for a…reunion."
  • "After all these years, the advisor looked exactly the same. He didn't know who I was, but I recognised him…"
  • "I've been seeing his face in my nightmares for 30 years…"
  • "Calypso had one more special prize for me: Dinner for one."
  • "30 years is a long time to be locked away…you get kind of tired of asylum food."
  • "But after all this time, something new was on the menu."
  • "As much as I hated to admit it, over the years, I’ve developed a…SPECIAL craving…for human flesh."

Twisted Metal: Head-On

  • "I fix!"
  • "No! Calypso, I can't take it anymore! It started out so simple, so pure."
  • "I'd collect one here, devour one there. I could start and stop whenever I wanted. Now, the hunger owns me."
  • "It is beyond my control! Please! Please help me!"
  • "I don't want to be the reaper of souls anymore!"
  • "For my prize, I want you to turn someone else into the Dark Collector so I may live a human life."
  • " (As a Human) I'm…I'm free! Thank you, Calypso, I'm free!"
  • "I'm free! I'm free, the hunger is... (crashed)"

Twisted Metal (2012)

  • "I gotta admit... I would've shot that motherfucker, too."


Twisted Metal III

Twisted Metal 4

Twisted Metal: Black

Twisted Metal: Small Brawl

Twisted Metal: Head-On

Twisted Metal: (2012)

